
On Cultural Heritage Conservation

My name is Salvador Muñoz Viñas —or “Salvador Muñoz-Viñas”, with the hyphen: we Spanish people bear two surnames, one from each of our parents. In some countries the first surname may be thought to be a middle name, so the hyphen makes the Spanish names more readable.

I am a Professor at the Universitat Politècnica de València, where I teach paper conservation techniques and conservation theory. Along the years, I have published different texts on both fields. Whenever I can (this is, as far as I do not infringe the publishers’ copyright rules) I have made many of them freely available in my Academia.edu or in ResearchGate pages.

This little personal blog is not a super-sophisticated website with a comprehensive list of sources, fancy gadgets, or anything in that vein. It is just a personal web space where I can publish some materials that could not be published otherwise. Still, I am also including some info that can be of help to those interested in my work.

PS: I have been asked what the picture at the top represents. The image is a photo of the façade of the Assemblée National (the French Parliament) I took in Paris on April 10, 2024. I found those classical sculptures in full color and with out-of-context parafernalia (boxing gloves, a surfing table, etc.) not just funny and even beautiful, but also smart and thought-provoking.